Pixie's community scripts (scripts with the `px/` prefix) now support required arguments (github PR). When running a script with required argument(s):

- The Live UI will denote required args with an asterisk (*) next to the argument name. You will be prompted to provide any missing values for required arguments before running a script.
- The CLI will error if you do not pass a value for any required arguments when running a script.
To display a script’s arguments and their descriptions:

`px run <script_name> -- --help`
`px run px/namespace -- --help`

To provide an argument when running a script:

`px run <script_name> -- --arg_name arg_value`
`px run px/namespace -- --namespace px-sock-shop`

Pixie's API does not support running PxL scripts with associated Vis Specs. So no changes are necessary to your API scripts.
Datasource Table Schema Changes

Pixie's community scripts will be updated to reflect the following table schema changes (github PR). If your tooling relies on the output of a PxL script, you will need to make the following changes:

- The redis_events.beta datasource table has graduated beta and been renamed to redis_events. This table's cmd table column has been renamed to req_cmd and args has been renamed to req_args.
- All columns in the http_events table have been renamed to remove the redundant http prefix, e.g. http_req_headers —> req_headers. The resp_latency_ns column has been renamed to latency.
- All protocol datasource tables have had the latency_ns columns renamed to latency. Semantic typing in the CLI and Live UI provide the units automatically.
- The conn_stats table's  role column has been renamed to trace_role for consistency with the rest of the datasource tables.
Note: to see a list of all of the datasource tables and their respective columns, run the px/schemas script.
This tag has no release notes.